case study: Graydon

Cincinnati, Ohio | Graydon | Downtown Office

the challenge

One of Cincinnati’s oldest law firms – Graydon Head – needed to refresh their brand and illuminate it within their downtown Cincinnati office. The new brand shifts the perception of a traditional law firm to a firm with a future-forward focus. The new adaptive approach is meant to be millennial-friendly while meeting the changing needs of clients, the legal industry, and the city.

the solution

With a strong brand foundation, Kolar created an identity system and translated the brand into a workspace experience. These integrated strategies drive a new way of working and set the stage for future growth. We used the new office as a catalyst to advance the brand alignment with the vision to galvanize the values of the company for the next 100 years. This started a brand evolution, not a revolution, as there was so much equity in the Graydon name in the market, but their brand was outdated. The new branded environment reflects a more contemporary approach to its ownership and heritage.