February 9, 2022

Located in the heart of Ohio, Bridge Park is a mixed-use development integrating retail and residential usage for its residents in a convenient, walkable neighborhood.

As the environmental design partner on the project, Kolar Design created a wayfinding system that guides residents and visitors throughout the neighborhood and blends the new urban landscape of Bridge Park with the historical legacy of Dublin.


Our challenge was finding a way to define the user experience in the new urban landscape. Our design solution positions Bridge Park as a civic extension connecting the original foundational elements with the latest economic development. It amplifies the new opportunities for growth in new businesses and communities and integrates this change with historical Dublin.

Public-private partnerships are transformative initiatives. Those like Bridge Park that respect a city’s historical context will elevate the user experience for generations to come.


When creating a wayfinding experience, it is vital to maintain connectivity while blending the new architecture into the historical context that gives a city like Dublin its identity. Collaborating with the City, key city departments, and private development, we integrated the wayfinding and parking strategy into a comprehensive public and private investment: Gateways, Streetscapes, Signage, Parks, and Trails.

The new shift in demographic required an entire system adaptation to reflect the active lifestyle that new community members brought to the area while also remaining in touch with the values that make Dublin unique.

This project ensures that the city feels connected through wayfinding and architecture, shifting from outside to inside the buildings themselves. Blurring the lines between outdoor and indoor placemaking establishes an elevated user experience from highway to hallway.


Crawford Hoying (Developer), Kolar Design (Environmental Design), City of Dublin (Partner), MKSK Studios (Landscape Architect), Moody Nolan (Architect), EMH&T (Engineer), Structurepoint Inc (Engineer)

Project Photography: Joe Harrison